Project description
The ultimate objective of RES-Integration is to study the implementation of innovative Renewable Energy (RE) and energy saving technologies at selected poor regions of the participating countries (Greece, Germany/Austria, Italy, Serbia and Montenegro, FYROM, Albania). Locally available Energy Resources shall be used with the goal of regional sustainable socio-economic development. Pathways shall be invented for maximising Renewable Energy penetration in the regions. Ideally, 100 % renewable energy penetration will be pursued for.
Coordination, financing, duration
AUA – Agricultural University of Athens, Greece, coordinates this pilot demonstration network. All project contractors are listed under 'Consortium'.
project is co-financed via the 6th Framework Programme of the European
Commission by Research Directorate-General.
Its full title is: Rural sustainable development
through integration of Renewable Energy Technologies in poor European regions
- Specific support actions (SSA) for Western Balkan Countries.
Project No.: FP6 509204 RES Integration.
Project duration: November 2004 to October 2007.